Documents in Interfaces & API

API examples

1. Manager API The Manager interface provides access to some WebADM user management functions and operations exported by your registered applications. The Manager also allows external systems such as Web portals to remotely trigger user management operations and actions from the network. The user management functions provide LDAP operations such as object creation, update, removal, WebADM settings and data management, etc… The method names for internal management functions are in the form Manager_Method.


OpenOTP API Description The OpenOTP authentication service is implemented over the SOAP/XML and RADIUS APIs. The SOAP/XML API is provided with a SOAP WSDL service description listed below. The OpenOTP API is very simple and provides 4 methods: 1. openotpNormalLogin and openotpSimpleLogin These methods are used to send an authentication request. The request contains the following attributes: username: User login name (mandatory). domain: User login domain (optional if OpenOTP as a default domain setting set).


OpenSSO SOAP API Description Usage OpenSSO provides a very simple API to enable OpenOTP single sign-on across several web application. The API allows setting, removing and checking SSO sessions. The SSO session IDs should be given to the end users in Web browsers’ cookies. A typical usage of OpenSSO is: User authenticates on Server1: The web application on Server1 performs the following SOAP calls to the WebADM server. SOAP Calls Response 1.


SMSHub API Description OpenOTP SMSOTP is only possible via Clickatell online SMS SOAP service and via RCDevs SMSHub which is a WebADM service application just like OpenOTP. SMSHub proposes much more options than the OpenOTP basic SMS functionalities but if you use the Clickatell service only, then you do not need it. SMSHub does not send SMS directly and will use Clickatell or another online SMS service. But with SMSHub you can:

OpenOTP Electronic Signatures and Secure Transactions Approval

1. Overview and Requirements RCDevs offer now an easy way to sign any documents at anytime to all third party signatories. OpenOTP signature is a solution which is deployed on premise or in the cloud. Integrate OpenOTP signature in your infrastructure will allow electronic signatures for your company users (LDAP users). If you want to extend your signature processes to external users (users not part of your LDAP directory/directories configured with your WebADM), you have to integrate OpenOTP with YumiSign platform which requires a YumiSign API Key configured in OpenOTP settings.

EAP Authentications

1. Overview This documentation provides comprehensive guidance on integrating RCDevs solutions with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) methods for secure and efficient user and computer authentication. 802.1X is a specific IEEE standard that deals with network access control and authentication. It is used to ensure that only authorized devices and users can access a network. Here are the key points about 802.1X: Authentication: 802.1X provides a framework for authenticating devices or users before they are granted access to a network.