Voice Biometrics Authentication

Voice Biometrics Authentication

The Power of Voice: A Guide to Voice Biometrics Authentication

Voice biometrics authentication is a technology that uses a person’s voice as a unique identifier to grant or deny access to secure systems, applications, and information. Voice biometrics, also known as voiceprint recognition, is a form of biometric authentication that verifies the identity of an individual based on the unique characteristics of their voice.

How Voice Biometrics Works?

Voice biometrics works by capturing a person’s voice and creating a digital representation of it, known as a voiceprint. This voiceprint is then compared to a previously recorded voiceprint to confirm the person’s identity. The technology uses algorithms to analyze various characteristics of the voice, including pitch, cadence, rhythm, and intonation.

An illustration of this technology at RCDevs

At RCDevs, we consider Voice Biometrics to be a strong authentication method because it ties identity to an actual individual (‘what you are’ rather than ‘what you know’ or ‘what you have’).

RCDevs’ improved voice biometrics authentication method combines voice recognition with facial recognition for a highly secure and accurate authentication process. Here’s how it works:

  • The user speaks a passphrase into their device.
  • The device captures the user’s voiceprint and compares it to their stored biometric data.
  • If the voiceprint matches the stored data, the device then captures a facial image and compares it to the stored facial data.
  • If both the voiceprint and facial image match the stored data, the user is granted access.

How does it work?
Voice Biometrics uses voice patterns to generate unique identification for every individual, working with more than 100 physical and behavioral characteristics. It includes speed of speech, accent, pronunciation, emphasis, in addition to physical factors of your vocal tract, mouth and nasal passages.
It extracts a set of audio features which ensure that a speaker is a real person rather than a recording or a synthetic voice of an individual.

Voice biometrics can be used in various applications, including:

  • Secure access to applications and systems: Voice biometrics can be used to grant or deny access to secure systems and applications based on the voiceprint of the person trying to access it.
  • Fraud detection: Voice biometrics can be used to detect fraud in call centers, banking and financial services, and insurance claims. The technology can be used to verify the identity of the caller and ensure that they are who they claim to be.
  • Law enforcement: Voice biometrics can be used by law enforcement agencies to identify criminals based on their voiceprint.
  • Telemedicine: Voice biometrics can be used in telemedicine to verify the identity of patients before granting access to their medical records or other sensitive information.

Highlights of voice biometrics

  • Convenient and easy to use: Voice biometrics is a convenient and easy-to-use technology that does not require any physical contact or the use of a password. This makes it an attractive option for secure authentication.
  • Secure: Voice biometrics provides a high level of security compared to traditional authentication methods such as passwords or PINs. The voiceprint of a person is unique to them and is difficult to imitate, making it a secure form of authentication.
  • Fast: Voice biometrics provides fast and efficient authentication, allowing secure access to systems and applications in a matter of seconds.


Can RCDevs' improved voice biometrics authentication method be used for organizations that require a high level of security?
Yes, RCDevs' improved voice biometrics authentication method is perfect for organizations that require a high level of security while maintaining ease of use. The combination of voice and facial recognition creates a highly secure authentication process that's both user-friendly and accurate.
What biometric identifiers are commonly used in multimodal biometric verification?
The most commonly used biometric identifiers in multimodal biometric verification are fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, and voice recognition. By combining two or more of these biometric factors, the level of security is greatly increased.
How do I register my voice in RCDevs' authentication system?
To register your voice in RCDevs' authentication system, follow these steps:
  • Access the voice biometric registration page in your RCDevs dashboard
  • Choose the language for your passphrase and read the text on the screen
  • Click on the record button and repeat the passphrase
  • Click on the save button to confirm your registration
  • Can I register my voice from any device?
    Yes, you can register your voice from any device with a microphone, as long as it's supported by RCDevs' voice biometric registration system.
    How many times do I need to repeat the passphrase during registration?
    You will be asked to repeat the passphrase four times during the registration process. This is to ensure that the system captures the unique characteristics of your voice accurately. After this step, your voice will be recognized with any phrase of your choice, without necessarily being the passphrase
    Can I update my voiceprint if my voice changes over time?
    Yes, you can update your voiceprint if your voice changes over time. Simply repeat the voice biometric registration process, and the system will update your voiceprint with the new data. Just be aware that the system readjusts your voiceprint in real time at each login, so there's probably no need to worry about it.