1.1.4 (September 2024)
    - Emergency expiry and max use limitation applied.
    - SSO tab removed.
    - Groups settings handled.

1.1.3 (October 2023)
    - PKI menu removed when disabled.

1.1.2 (May 2023)
    - User activation updated.

1.1.1 (May 2023)
    - "Password updated" log added.
    - Voice login improvements.

1.1.0 (January 2023)
    - Added compatibility with WebADM 2.2.
    - Updated the application icons.

1.0.21 (December 2022)
    - Logs changes.
    - AD account flags and lockout time handling added.

1.0.20 (September 2022)
    - Added SQL audit log event types (requires WebADM >= 2.1.15).
    - Added Error SQL logs for all failed actions.

1.0.19 (July 25 2022)
    - DN size is limited to 64 char on screen
    - User data is refreshed each minute
    - Wrong token data handled
    - WebApp unlock message translation added
    - "logged in" added in audit logs
    - webapps audit logs visible in main page
    - Renew for admin certificates disabled

1.0.18 (May 3 2022)
    - WebAdm API updated, requires webadm>=2.1.7
    - Certificate generation improved

1.0.17 (January 26 2022)
    - Set OTP Prefix update

1.0.16 (January 11 2022)
    - Hardware token status uses correct case

1.0.15 (December 13 2021)
    - Hardware token status updated when it is activated/deactivated
    - Added support for external certificates (ex. eIDAS)
      > Requires WebADM version >= 2.1.0
    - Added support for FIDO2 Web login with U2F-registered FIDO devices
      > Requires OpenOTP version >= 2.0.4
    - Fixed broken FIDO2 login with Apple Safari browser
    - Translation improvement
    - Login with client cert and voice added

1.0.14 (November 30 2021)
    - Activation permission update

1.0.13 (November 2 2021)
    - Improvement of logs in last user activity
    - ZIP export in spankey updated
    - SSH key generation uses default values from settings
    - SelfReg link for Spankey added
    - Full groups list available in user profile
    - Hardcoded "User Search Attributes" removed, they should be added in HelpDesk config if the default value is not used.

1.0.12 (September 20 2021)
    - Translation added for SMS and emails

1.0.11 (August 6 2021)
    - Unlock webapp works with DN containing special characters

1.0.10 (July 2 2021)
    - Client ID changed to 'Helpdesk' for login test and app login
    - Deactivate button removed when datastore is not ldap
    - SMS sent with SMSHub when it is available
    - Webapp access unlock added
    - Support Email setting added

1.0.9 (March 8 2021)
    - Mail/mobile modification improvement
    - Removed TiQR Web Service application

    - Auto PIN sending added
    - PIN generator added

    - Domains added in search screen

    - Added compatibility with WebADM 2.0.11
    - Deprecated syntaxes removed for PHP 7.4

    - Download/mail disabled when MobilePush is disabled in OTP registration

    - User DN handled in Admin Groups option
    - Invalid webadm data ignored
    - U2F custom appid allowed
    - Attachment added for QRcode mail

    - 1 and 2 weeks added for detached QRcode
    - Emergency OTP length set to default OTP length
    - Token deactivation message updated
    - User selection screen improvement
    - Disabling push added

    - Custom message added for QRcode mail
    - Hardware Token serial shown in token list
    - Token registration without push solved

    - "Allow OTP Management" permission update
    - Polling stopped with detached QRcode
    - User deactivation added
    - Improvement of special chars handling in DN
    - Expiration delay info added in mails with QRcode

    - First release