Blog articles
RCDevs Security Articles
We are moving
We are proud to announce that due to our remarkable growth in the last years, we moved to a new location on …
Free MFA Solution – RCDevs extends the free offer to all hospitals
RCDevs has decided to offer hospitals his freeware beyond the normal 40 users limitation. …
What is your working from home policy?
In the context of the spread of Covid-19, the underestimation of cyber risk is of particular concern. …
RCDevs to exhibit at Luxembourg Security summit
We are delighted to announce we are exhibiting at the Luxembourg Security Summit on March 3-4 sharing a booth with our partner …
Year in Review: PSD2 The gap between the idea and the reality
In view of the current situation, the authorities in charge of implementing PSD2 in certain European countries have decided to postpone it …
Cloud data repatriation is a growing trend
Why companies are moving back their core data and applications to their on-premises data centers …
RCDevs Afterwork : Thanks for coming
After a long working day, take a break with RCDevs during our Annual Afterwork reception. …
Luxembourg targeted by a massive phishing campaign
Circl quickly launched an alert: a massive phishing campaign began Thursday morning in Luxembourg. SMS invite customers from several banks to go …
OpenOTP is one of the most innovative cybersecurity solution
We are proud to have been among the top 5 companies for the most innovative cybersecurity solution of the year during the …